WE Believe
As God called a small group of people together in 2010, WE had dreams of what our community might look like. This list is certainly not comprehensive… it’s constantly changing and simply reflects some of our hopes of what might become as we develop relationships with each other and with God.
- God’s truths found in Scripture are the foundation for all we are and do.
- We believe in learning how to personally study God’s word so that we might teach others how to do the same.
- We believe in and practice the ‘priesthood of all believers’ understanding that each of us holds equal importance in our community and in the body of Christ.
- In our community, we give no human greater importance than another.
- We prioritize a mindset of ‘going out’ to the world instead of expecting others to come to us.
- We believe that it is more important to actively and intentionally serve others than it is to serve ourselves. We live this out by fighting the mindset of “What am I getting from being a part of Water’s Edge?” and taking on the mindset of “What can I now go and give because of being a part of Water’s Edge?”
- We believe that the Church is best expressed in our homes in smaller groups of people so that authentic relationships can be enjoyed.
- We eat lots of food together and have fun in each other’s homes as often as we can stand each other.
- We gather together weekly to worship as a large group and we use stories from our lives and from Scripture to tell of God’s greatness.
- We are excited about seeking out those who want to connect with God, but who are not interested in doing so in a traditional institutional church.
- We seek out people because of their brokenness and what they need instead of what they can give to us.
- We pool our resources, our talents, property, time, and money in order to pursue missional living in our community, our nation, and in the world.
- We believe that it’s more important to physically go and serve than it is to pay others to do so.
- We expect and anticipate God’s miracles.
- We seek out and create innovative ways of worshipping a creative God.
- We prioritize God’s Spirit over structures and systems and we allow His Spirit to guide our corporate times together.
- We love taking risks because we believe that risks cause us to rely on God more than our own comfort.
- We believe that our way of living in community is not the only way or the best way, it is simply the way that we are called to. We live this out by being in relationship and participating in ministry with other churches and parachurches.